Recently I’ve been coming across situations daily that made me question why it’s easier to see the glass half-empty instead of half-full. When positive mindset is considered to be a driving force in improving wellbeing, isn’t seeing the glass half-full a positive thing? Then, why don’t more people embrace this approach? With the advancement of social media and the prominence of digital imaging perfection, along with the stressful impact of modern daily living, could it be that we are overloaded with ‘Too much information’ that we can’t see straight? I know we all have a choice in the decisions we make, but I also believe what we see daily impacts our lives sublimally. So what is the solution? There is a proverb that says’ Only the person going through a difficult situation will know how it feels.’ Which simply means, the solution, is to ‘know thyself’. Because you are your own best judge, you do what is best for you. Find what works for you and stick to it. I’ll let you into a little secret, ’you don’t have to have it all’. The illusion of the ‘must have’ fad is purely that, ‘an illusion’. It fills a temporary void and before you know it, you’re back to where you started. So, in the midst of the maze of daily living, be your own compass and make your own way, using the resources that comes your way. When things go well, acknowledge those moments and when things go horribly wrong, focus on the things that are going well for you in that moment, no matter how little or insignificant they are. It’s called ‘seeing the glass half-full’ and that my friend, may get you through. Also, finding people or things that re-enforce your glass half-full mentality is key to keeping you positive no matter what life throws at you. No good thing is achieved in a hurry, so take your time to fill your glass.
Valentine’s day is about showing love and appreciation to those we hold dear. Who show us unconditional love everyday without requesting anything in return and we know who they are. To them, I say happy valentine’s day! Love is not a one day event, you are appreciated and loved everyday. Never stop loving, neither be weary of doing good, because you are the ray of sunshine that lights up our world in these dark crazy uncertain times. Luv always, Kemi West xx. My quest to find fresh healthy breakfast alternative led to this interesting combo. It's quite a filling winter warmer! |
January 2025
CategoriesWelcome to my blog, where I share things that inspire me. My faith, nature and the simple or imperfect things in life, are what brings me joy and inspire me to create. I look forward to sharing my inspirations with you. Thanks for stopping by!