Ever heard the phrase...'Be yourself, everyone else is taken.' Well, one of the most amazing musicians I've ever met, sent me the incredible story of Artist, Joseph Cornell. I say it's incredible, because I completely relate to his artistic story and the way he viewed his art. He collected things and transformed them into amazing masterpieces. He spent time alone, collected objects during his lunch breaks from his day job. He then worked in his home studio dedicatedly making his craft, even though he had huge family commitments. He never saw himself as an artist, but saw himself as a designer-maker. Hence, the reason I feel so connected to his work. He was described as someone who lived a reclusive life, yet, was in touch with the art world. The point is, he made art on his own terms, using what he liked and avoided unnecessary distractions. Artists like Joseph Cornell are rare to find, but I know they exist and long to discover more creative people like him. Joseph's story re-iterates the point that it's more than okay to be yourself. Even if critics demean your work, it doesn't matter, what matters is how you feel about your craft and what you do with it. Some critics commented that Joseph's works were toys for adult's, but years later, his works have been exhibited in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries, even though, he himself, never left New York. This amazing quote I found on Skinny Artist's website sums it up nicely, it says, 'first they laugh, then they copy.' Feel free to be yourself. Hope the You tube video below, by the Royal Academy of Arts, inspires you to be your best self, no matter what.
January 2025
CategoriesWelcome to my blog, where I share things that inspire me. My faith, nature and the simple or imperfect things in life, are what brings me joy and inspire me to create. I look forward to sharing my inspirations with you. Thanks for stopping by!